Saturday, August 11, 2012

Another episode of Saturday Snark!

Like last week, this snark comes from my Amber Quill Press novel, Diversion, because nearly everything out of Lucky's mouth, even his every thought, is snarky. He doesn't idle well, and while in a board room with a bunch of pharamceutical execs, his mind begins to wonder to his soon-to-be-new-partner, Bo.
With Ol’ Windbag up at the head of the table in full steam about legalities, causing Lucky’s eyes to glaze over, he thought, What the hell? and let his imagination out to play. In a brief mental vacation he fisted those highlighted brown locks in his callused hands, as Bo’s enticingly sinful lips got down to business. Oh, baby, I bet you could suck the sheets straight up my ass, city boy.
 Be sure to follow the links and enjoy more Saturday Snark!


  1. My husband just asked what I laughed out loud about. Sheets straight up the ass! :D

  2. Lucky's a bit full of himself, but he does score a few good one-liners! Thanks for stopping by; I do enjoy some good Saturday Snark, don't you?

  3. OMG, that last line! I lol'd so loud I startled Kitty-Kitty. Hehe, Lucky sounds like a card. :)


  4. Thanks for stopping by, y'all! Yeah, I had a lot of fun writing Lucky.

  5. Am loving these Saturday Snarks. So many amazing characters!

  6. That was hysterical-- and I am SO interested in seeing THAT come to pass!

  7. Thanks y'all! Saturday Snark it a lot of fun, and Lucky's giving me enough material for week's worth!
